
admin 提交于 周日, 02/27/2022 - 22:24




主要从事环境功能材料及环境修复技术方面的教学和研究工作, 以第一作者/通讯作者发表科研、教学论文四十余篇,参编国家级规划教材四部,完成国家级、省级科研项目十余项。


1.     2018.09-2019.07 天津大学化学化工协同创新中心  访问学者

2.     2010.09-2015.07 云南大学 有机化学专业         理学博士

3.     2004.07至今    云南大学 材料与能源学院       讲师/副教授/教授

4.     2001.09-2004.07 云南大学 材料物理与化学专业   工学硕士

5.     1994.09-1999.09 天津大学 化学工程专业         工学学士


1.     生物炭及复合材料,碳催化水体污染治理

2.     CO2吸收及高效催化解吸再生材料

3.     新型溶剂的物理化学性质及其在二次资源炼制方面的应用


1.     国家自然科学基金项目,基于双低共熔混合物体系的含铟化合物浸出机制及其在二次资源铟回收中的应用研究,2020.1-2023.12,项目主持人

2.     国家自然科学基金项目,新型布朗斯特酸功能化离子液体的设计合成及其在稀散金属分离提取中的应用,2014.1-2017.12,项目主持人

3.     云南省应用基础研究计划项目,新型质子化甜菜碱型离子液体的设计合成及其萃取特性研究,2014.5-2017.12,项目主持人

4.     云南省教育厅科学研究重点项目,氧化锌/导电聚苯胺纳米结构复合材料的制备及其光学性能研究,2011.6-2013.12,项目主持人

5.     云南大学教育教学改革重点项目,面向新工科建设的材料科学与工程专业实践教学体系绿色改进研究,2020.6-2022.6项目主持人

6.     云南大学教育教学改革重点项目,无机非金属材料工程专业综合实验教学项目绿色化改进研究,2013.6-2015.6,项目主持人



[1] Chuanfu Song, Kunyuan Chen, Mingxin Chen, Xin Jin, Guangrong Liu, Xiaohu Du, Dong Chen, Qiang Huang*, Sequential combined adsorption and solid-phase photocatalysis to remove aqueous organic pollutants by H3PO4-modified TiO2 nanoparticles anchored on biochar, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 45, 102467, 2022.

[2] Guangrong Liu, Mingxin Chen, Xin Jin, Chuanfu Song, Feifei He, Qiang Huang*, Combination of H3PW12O40-TiO2 catalysts for photo-thermal oxidation of cyclohexene to adipic acid by 30% H2O2, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9, 105422, 2021.

[3] Mingxin Chen, Feifei He, Dongwen Hu, Chongzhuo. Bao, Qiang Huang*, Broadened operating pH range for adsorption/reduction of aqueous Cr(VI) using biochar from directly treated jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) fibers by H3PO4, Chemical Engineering Journal 381, 122739, 2020.

[4] Jianqiu Li, feifei. He, Xiaoyang Shen Dongwen Hu, Qiang Huang*, Pyrolyzed fabrication of N/P co-doped biochars from (NH4)3PO4-pretreated coffee shells and appraisement for remedying aqueous Cr(VI) contaminants, Bioresource Technology 315, 123840, 2020.

[5] Qiang Huang, Chongzhuo Bao, Qiuyue Wang, Chengjun Dong, Hongtao Guan, Tuning the microwave absorption capacity of TiP2O7 by composited with biomass carbon, Applied Surface Science 515, 145974, 2020.

[6] Xin Jin, Zijie Ma, Guangrong Liu, Dongwen Hu, Chuanfu Song, Qiang Huang*, In-situ ionothermal precipitation of well-dispersed ZnO nanoparticles onto 2-dimension neat graphene sheets with excellent photocatalytic activity, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8, 104030, 2020.

[7] Chongzhuo Bao, Mingxin Chen, Xin. Jin, Dongwen Hu, Q. Huang*, Efficient and stable photocatalytic reduction of aqueous hexavalent chromium ions by polyaniline surface-hybridized ZnO nanosheets, Journal of Molecular Liquids 279, 133-145, 2019.

[8] Q. Huang*, Dongwen Hu, Mingxin Chen, Chongzhuo Bao, Xin Jin, Sequential removal of aniline and heavy metal ions by jute fiber biosorbents: A practical design of modifying adsorbent with reactive adsorbate, Journal of Molecular Liquids 285, 288-298, 2019.

[9] Mingxin Chen, Chongzhuo Bao, Dongwen Hu, Xin Jin, Qiang Huang*, Facile and low-cost fabrication of ZnO/biochar nanocomposites from jute fibers for efficient and stable photodegradation of methylene blue dye, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 139, 319-332, 2019.

[10] Tangxiang Cun, Chengjun Dong, Qiang Huang*, Ionothermal precipitation of highly dispersive ZnO nanoparticles with improved photocatalytic performance, Applied Surface Science 384, 73-82, 2016.


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